Atom overview
Atom is relatively a new kid on the block of code editors. It was developed and released in 2014 by GitHub and has been described as “a hackable text editor for the 21st Century”. Atom has a smooth workflow and is quite intuitive. Its game-changing feature is, however, the ability to customize the workspace to individual needs and wants, and comes with a huge amount of extensions.
Atom screenshot(s)
Pricing details
Pricing model for this product is Open sourceProduct Attributes
Great things happen when developers work together—from teaching and sharing knowledge to building better software. Teletype for Atom makes collaborating on code just as easy as it is to code alone, right from your editor.
Free tool, which can be connected with github
Product Features
- Developers share their workspace with team members and collaborate on code in real time.
- Code Editors
- workspace with team members and collaborate on cod
- Share Code
Atom is a great tool, especially for those who want to customize their editor easily, and beyond what others provide. As a web developer, the freedom to tweak, add, and extend your editor gives an incredible feeling of power.