CompTIA Security+ is a worldwide accepted security certification by CompTIA. CompTIA always updates Security+ certification syllabus and the exam based on current threats, vulnerabilities, security tools, mitigations for us to have better security knowledge. Security+ certification is essential for IT security professionals to build tighten security and protect our company assets from threats and disasters. The goal of this program is to provide you an intensive training & mentor you to pass CompTIA Security+ certification exam within one try.

What will I learn?

By following the current Security+  syllabus you will be able to cover the following main parts. SY0-501 is the latest syllabus announced by CompTIA on Oct. 4, 2017; which should be covered to pass the current exam: In this lesson, you will be able to learn:

  • Different types of Threats, Attacks, and vulnerabilities compare and contrast different types of attacks. This will cover 21% of the exam
  • Know different types of tools for intrusion detection, prevention on a system level, network level, encryption and management tools used in  IT security. This will cover 22%
  • Understand different types of architectures and design approaches to secure networks, virtualization, cloud, transportation, deployments. This will cover 15%
  • Understand different ways to manage, control resources accessibilities for different users using rules, levels and grouping techniques, and physical controls. This will cover 14%.
  • Learn risk management by identifying risks, analyzing impacts using quantitative and qualitative ways. Also, you will learn how to control, recover from disaster. This will cover 14%
  • Cryptography and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). Know authentication, certification, encryption methods. Know Hashing, Ciphering, Private and public key methods. Will cover 12%.

For more, Please check the CompTIA-SY0-501 syllabus below.

Audience and Requirements:

  • Anyone who is interested to know about security and pass CompTIA Security+  on the first attempt.
  • Anyone who wanted to pursue to be certified in SCCP, CISSP, CASp or CSA+.
  • Anyone who wanted to do a carrier on security admin or security tester professional

Training Highlights:

  • Based on CompTIA-SY0-501 we will choose an up-to-date publicized Security+ book from the market and use it as our study reference.
  • We provide you practical solutions for hundreds of Security+ exam questions
  • Mentorship will be available through training and after training
  • You will be working on practical labs for better understanding, which is far more than the exam.

About the Exam:

  • No prerequisite to taking the exam 
  • It will have 90 question scaled up to 900 point
  • The exam should be completed in 90 minutes, means 1 min for 1 question
  • The passing point is 750 point which means 83%
  • 90% of questions are a multiple choice but sometimes it  might ask you to choose two answers
  • 10% of the question is matching, or configuring known security files like wifi-router configuration
  • The exam costs you $330 in the USA, and it has 10% discount if you buy coupons before you register for the exam.

Training Includes

on-demand video

We have 24×7 online support team available to help you with any technical queries you may have during the course.

Lifetime Access

You get lifetime access to the Learning Management System (LMS). Class recordings and presentations can be viewed online from the LMS.


Talent spiral certifies you as a Certified Expert based on the project reviewed by our expert panel.

Access on mobile and TV

Access your course from any device.It can be mobile and desktop too.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of learning does provide? offers instructor-led online live sessions and classroom-based corporate trainings and bootcamps for various courses and certifications to the learners.

Who are the instructors, we have an instructor community of industry professionals who are working in leading organizations and are veterans in their respective fields. These experts belong to various industries and are willing to share their talent with learners like you.

Are classes conducted through online video streaming?

Yes, the classes are conducted through online video streaming where there is two-way communication between users and instructors. The users can speak by using a microphone, chat by sending a message through a chat window and share their screens with an instructor. For better understanding, users also get recorded video of the class.